Author Archives: catherinemoyle

Easily update your merchandise inventory in Storman Cloud, with our new data loader!

  If you’re a Storman Cloud customer, and you’re needing to update your list of [...]

How to get what you’re owed: minimising overdue accounts and maximising cash flow for self-storage facilities.

For our Australian customers, the end of the financial year is looming (and coffee consumption [...]

Offering an end-to-end online move-ins process for your self storage facility: why to do it, and what it looks like.

Most of us have been guilty of it at some stage – browsing a website [...]

What’s new in Storman Cloud? (May 2022)

What’s New? May 2022   Hello, Stormanites – and welcome to May’s edition of ‘What’s [...]

Easily collect updated card details from your customers, with our ‘update autopay’ link!

  If you’re a Storman Cloud customer, and you’re using Storman Move-ins and Ezidebit, you’re [...]

Technology trends for the self storage industry to watch in 2022.

Recently, the SSAA asked us for our thoughts on the self storage technology trends to [...]

What’s new in Storman Cloud? (April 2022)

What’s New? April 2022   Welcome back! Did you miss us? It has been such [...]

What’s new in Storman Cloud? (February 2022)

What’s New? February 2021   Welcome to our first update and eNews of 2022. We [...]

A Tale of Two Cities: how Hepworth Self Storage uses Storman Cloud to connect across continents

  About sixty kilometres out of Canberra, a town called Yass sits nestled in the [...]

What’s new in Storman Cloud? (December 2021)

What’s New? December 2021   We don’t mean to alarm you, but this time next [...]

New & Improved Unit Check in Storman Cloud.

Long gone (thankfully) are the days of physically printing off a list of your units [...]

What’s new in Storman Cloud? (October 2021)

What’s New? October 2021 Christmas is creeping around the corner at a great rate of [...]